精心籌劃的Digitalization課程終於上線了, 9/15搶先上線第一單元, 其它三單元加緊上線中,近日開放。
第一單元:數位銳變,傳統與現代的結合, Nazariy Mykhaylyuk醫師揭露他打造整合傳統數位全工作流程的寶貴經驗技術, 期待己久的您請與我們趕快一起, 啟動前往數位化的旅程。
課程上線, 我們將為您精心列出課程每個段落的主題, 讓您馬上能建立您的學習地圖, 讓您事半功倍。 中英文字幕亦將於近日上線, 讓您輕鬆學習。
Unit 1. Digitalization Process
- Digitalization (0:26)
- Introduction of the past (1:20)
- Benefits (?)
- Success in dentistry (15:08)
- Rule 20:80 (17:04)
Unit 2. Digital Vs Analogue Dentistry
- Progress vs Art (0:33)
- Anagloue case from 2010 (1:21)
- Analogue case from 2015- Non prep case (4:48)
Unit 3. Analogue workflow- Case 1
- Micro-invasive Aesthetic upgrade (0:22)
- 2D Smile planning (2:03)
- How to create a good communication presentation (2:21)
- Modern conecepts in prosthetics (7:56)
- Clinical workflow (8:24)
- Split dam (9:02)
- Microscope Ergonomics (9:49)
- Intraoral view (10:45)
- Impression (15:47)
- Retraction (16:30)
- Choice of final material (19:39)
- Layering over the refractory matieral (20:11)
- Bonding porocedure (21:33)
- Isolation (23:26)
- Final Result (0:24:02)
- Micro doucmentation (0:24:29)
- Video documentation (0:24:54)
- 5 Yeasr follow up (0:26:33)
Unit 4. Analogue workflow- Case 2
- Aesthetic and functional rehabilitation (0:00:00)
- Removal of old prosthetics (1:19)
- Preperation & Provisionals (2:59)
- Pontic managment (3:40)
- Final Provisionals (4:09)
- Portrait picttures (4:51)
- Emergence profile transfer (5:08)
- Final impression (7:17)
- Choice of final material (8:01)
- Delivery (8:50)
- Final restult (9:18)
- Video documentation (9:55)
Unit 5. Analogue workflow- Case 3
- Full mouth reconstruction (?)
- CR postion (0:32)
- Programed Musculature ()
- Micro preparation (14:38)
Unit 6. Analogue workflow- Case 4
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Provisionals preparation (19:04)
- Video communication (19:49)
- Choice of final material
- Final delivery (22:50)
Unit 7. Digital workflow - Case 1
- Why Digital?
- 3 Key factors of digital dentistry (6:29)
Unit 8. Digital workflow - Case 2
- Smile analysis in dynamics
Unit 9. Digital workflow - Case 3
- Full mouth reconstruction
- Chief complaint (0:30)
- Function inspection (2:57)
- Occlusion (3:28)
- CR postion (4:56)
- Deprogramming (9:05)
- Kois deprogrammer (9:46)
- Lab digital mock up (10:48)
- Transfer mock up to the mouth (12:04)
- Micro preparation (14:38)
- Pre-preparation scan (15:07)
- mirror positioning under micoscope